Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Resume Attached... to the body?!?!? And more...

(CNN - By Jessica Ravitz) -- If finding a real job evades you, now may be the perfect time to just pretend you have one.

ResumeShirts.com, launching Tuesday, will allow customers to print their resumes on customized T-shirts.

ResumeShirts.com, launching Tuesday, will allow customers to print their resumes on customized T-shirts.

Fake employees, corporate seat-fillers, are reportedly being paid by New York advertising agencies to dress and act like they work in firms so prospective clients visiting the offices will be instilled with confidence.

Sound crazy? Not to Jeremy Redleaf, the 24-year-old founder of Odd Job Nation, a Web site scheduled to officially launch today.

"Seriously! I have friends who do this," Redleaf says, before rattling off some of the other "exclusive odd jobs" he's compiling. "We want to be the resource for the new growing army of part-time opportunists ... You've got to hustle life before life hustles you."

There are more odd things that the new industry of unemployed created... Well, it is better than doing other crazy things... 

3 of the nicer sites are -

www.resumeshirts.comLaid-off Dad,  Recessionwire

To continue reading - http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/02/24/recession.web.sites/index.html?iref=hpmostpop#cnnSTCText

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